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This is an A4 wall chart/poster and matching keyring.  This is designed to help the user identify and describe how they are feeling.  This is particularly useful for children and adults with Autism as even if they are verbal they sometimes have trouble expressing themselves when they get overwhelmed or have a melt down.  Wall chart is laminated and the keyring matches the chart but can be carried around by the user.

"A ‘Five Point Scale’ is a visual support designed to help a young person to spot the signs of emotional escalation and implement strategies to reduce the anxiety or anger that has been triggered.  It also aims to reduce the need for verbal language and make the strategies visual and more accessible.   People with autism tend to be visual learners, they also tend to be hyper-sensitive to sound especially when stressed; talking could make things worse. 
The first part of the work consists of identifying and labelling the steps in between being OK and being in crisis, with 1 ok and 5 the meltdown point. 
Physical responses and emotional reactions are then assigned to each of these five steps.
When the young person is beginning to show signs of becoming angry or stressed, they should be directed to use the strategies on their scale, using as little verbal language as possible; hopefully just pointing to the scale should do. When you have directed them, move away, and give them time to use the strategies. Strategies should be looked at now and again when the young person is not stressed, so they become familiar with them."

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5 Point Anger Scale Chart & Keyring Set (Behaviour Management/ Feelings)



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