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Communication set.  Features A4 laminated communication mat with matching flash cards on a keyring (colour of keyring may vary). This mat and keyring feature 20 PECS/visuals for anyone who is non-verbal or has speech and language difficulties.  These resources are often used with children who are autistic and struggle to express themselves.

Symbols included are:- yes please, no thank you, don't know, I am thirsty, I am hungry, I am tired, I want to be alone, I need a hug, I want to play, I need quiet, I want to watch TV, I feel poorly, I need help, I want to go home, I want to go outside, I am hot, I am cold, I am hurt, I need the toilet, I need to clean my hands.


A4 mat is approx 21.0cmx29.7cm and the visuals on the keyring are approx 5cms x 5cms in size.


Communication mat and keyring can be bought separately, or as a money saving set.  

All symbols that I use are with permission and under copyright licence from Widgit Symbols © Symbols Worldwide Limited 2002-2022.  Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited

Communication Keyring & Mat Set



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