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 A4 (approx 21.0x29.7cm) laminated communication mat. This mat features 20 PECS/visuals for anyone who is non-verbal or has speech and language difficulties.  Please select edited version if you wish to adapt this mat to suit your needs better or for older children or adults. 

These resources are often used with children who are autistic and struggle to express themselves.

Standard Symbols included are:- yes please, no thank you, don't know, I am thirsty, I am hungry, I am tired, I want to be alone, I need a hug, I want to play, I need quiet, I want to watch TV, I feel poorly, I need help, I want to go home, I want to go outside, I am hot, I am cold, I am hurt, I need the toilet, I need to clean my hands.  Matching Keyring also available.  Communication mat and keyring can be bought separately, or as a money saving set.  


All symbols that I use are with permission and under copyright licence from Widgit Symbols © Symbols Worldwide Limited 2002-2022.  Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited

Communication Mat (A4)



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    All symbols that I use are with permission and under copyright licence from Widgit Symbols © Symbols Worldwide Limited 2002-2022. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited.

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