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Going to Secondary School Social Story and checklist

Social Stories are used to teach particular social skills, such as identifying important cues in a given situation; taking another's point of view; understanding rules, routines, situations, upcoming events or abstract concepts; and understanding expectations.


This set consists of a social story to help children understand the changes and new routine which will come with their first day at school.  It is printed back to back on A4 size paper and laminated for durability. Also comes with an laminated checklist attached which is attached to a key ring and can be attached to bag or popped in a coat pocket.  Children can then refer back to this during the school day and this will help children clearly see steps to follow to help minimise anxiety and worries about new situations.  The story comes with blank spaces so that you can fill in school name, Teacher/TA names.

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Starting School/Reception class social story

PriceFrom £1.50


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